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 The Joker

I can't wait to

show you

my toys.

Why so....


Birth Name: Unknown

Title: The Joker, The clown

Nicknames: Mister J


Age (appears): 30 (Actual 99)

Species: master Vampire

Partner: None

childe: Lotie


hair color: bright green

Eye color: blue

skin tone: bleached white

Height: 5'11


Sexual orientation: heterosexual

martial status: Single/it's complicated

Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Occupation: Crime Lord, gangster, terrorist, killer


mental illnesses: antisocial personality disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, psychopath,


traits: Genius-level intelligence, Master manipulatior and deceiver,


ABILITIES: Highly skilled in using of various knives and firearms, Highly unpredictable, Intimidation, Evasion, Great strength, endurance and speed.




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